Get the right Mindset


Forget what other people want to centre your attention on what you want. Discard your people pleaser attitude and shift the focus towards yourself.

Put the emphasis on what you have to say, on your opinions and your ideas. Because if you don't care enough about them, nobody else will.

Self confidence is conveying that you believe what you have to say is important, not about not caring about what other people think.


Self improvement is a process. It is not about "massive action" and "crushing it". Self improvement is achieve by a series of actions, trial and error experiments, and a little bit of courage to try a new action everyday, every week, and every month.

Trust in this process and the fact that the outcome will come at the end. If you focus just on outcome, it will always feel so far away. And if you've been a people pleaser all your life, you probably don't even know the outcome yourself.



When you try something new, you're going to suck at it. But it is when you feel nervous, or uncomfortable, or have butterflies in your stomach, that's when you know you are trying something new and pushing beyond your comfort zone.

Success lies just on the other side of discomfort. If everyday you are comfortable, you are not improving at all. So embrace the suck, because that's how you know you are doing something new and on your way to self improvement.


Learn to accept the good things in your life as much as the bad things. Just because something good has happened, if doesn't mean something bad is coming. You deserve the good things in your life and when they happen, go celebrate.

You are always more capable than you realise. Accept this about yourself. Don't take crap from people who want to push you down. Don't think life is giving you crap. Every event is a learning experience and you will push through it.

Tactical Actions to Kick start your Journey


You don't need to read a hundred books and watch a hundred TED Talks. Even if you did and don't apply them, you might as well have done nothing.

Start these actions today to kick start your journey:

Breathe - when nervous, remember to just breathe.

Smile - your smile will make your day because it will also make someone else's day.

Talk slowly and loudly - What you have to say is important. So be proud of what you have to say.




We all have anchors in our lives that are holding us back. We might not even know they are there until we truly think about it. Start today to remove your limiting beliefs or people in your life that are holding you back. You will be amazed at what you find:

Check your social circle - You are the average of the five people you socialise with. 

Challenge yourself - Try a new small action everyday. See how long it takes to get to a "no. 

Release your body - Spread out, take more space, look people in the eyes. All these things will make you feel more in control. You deserve it. 


We're always too busy to improve ourselves. This kind of mindset is to our detriment. We have no time to read, no time to apply new actions. There is always an excuse. Yet each time you experience a set back, you wonder why you never improve. So start this today:

Wake up at 5AM - If you don't have time, make time. It clears your head and gets your day off to a great start.

Exercise - Science has already proven this. The more fit you are physically, the more fit you become mentally and emotionally.

Read and apply - Now that you have time, be inspired by those who have succeeded on the same journey.


Ready to join the Uninhibited Introvert Program and overcome your introvert limitations. Reach out to us to have a confidential obligation free discussion on how we can help you become the best version of yourself.